





Design Manual

"Craft neighbourhoods in Istanbul are under threat by city politics and economy and their decisions as part of a top down urban transformation process which threats not only the built environment and also social, economical, cultural structures of the city. One of the subjects of the main agenda in Istanbul is wheather to carry the dynamics and unique practices of these craft neighbourhoods into the future or not, or how to carry them. There is an urgent need for new and sustainable arguments and visions against the top down processes. The production network of Galata and Sishane Districts which is under the influence of this process has the same fortune and threat are supposed to be replaced soon by tourism and consuming oriented structures. At this point, this question can be asked: Is it possible to redefine and reverse the tourism visions and habits to safeguard the craft neighbourhoods?

The workshop 'Design Manual for Tourists' focused on the tension between crafts workshops and tourism and tried to find a new balance and togetherness for the benefit of the Galata District. Could a production process and producing a product be part of a touristic experience? Could a tourist be a new actor for the craft workshops? During the workshop process these questions were asked and it is enlarged the potential of the craft workshops and also discussed of the new ways for a productive tourism.

Central targets of the workshop were the community based development of sustainable tourism in a vivid and dynamic urban community. During the workshop the mediator role of design is discussed and manuals which are produced as an open source are disturbed for use and interaction with the people in Galata District. And it is also created a performance with ABC Manifesto through a mobile exhibition in Galata Square and the streets. The Design Manual for Tourists aimed to be a kind of communication tool to connect craftsmen and tourists in a sustainable and respectful way and to safeguard the neighbourhood. At this point, it is discussed that manual can be 2D or 3D dimension like: Poster, newspaper, postcards, game card and also bag, souvenir, puzzle and also an object which is existed, exhibit and produced in the neighbourhood with a collaboration and relation with different actors."






Der Workshop "Design Manual for Tourists", geleitet von Aslı Kıyak İngin, Pierre Kracht und Sabine Voggenreiter, fand im November 2014 im Rahmen der zweiten Istanbul Design Biennial statt.


Design Quartier Ehrenfeld
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